Mexico’s Independence Day is clebrated this month. For the first time we had an event to celebrate this holiday with the church body – we called it “Noche Mexicana.” It was a huge success as we not only had the church body come out, but many of them brought their family members who don’t even come to church. There were about 70 people in total. We had games like ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ and ‘limbo.’ Everyone brought a traditional dish to share and we all had a great time eating dinner together and fellowshipping. We ended the night in a very traditional way – with the piñata!
We always have many celebrations in the month of September; not only is it Mexico’s Indepence Day, but we also have two birthdays in our family – Caleb & Len’s. For Caleb’s birthday we surprised him with something he has been talking about and wanting for years. We always told him he had to wait until he was an adult and was living on his own… but he was so persistent. We got him a pug. Not our first pick of a breed – but they are his absolute favorite. So, Puggy Smallz is the newest addition to our family – she is a funny dog!
Another school grade came to an end. Noah finished his first year of high school and Caleb finished 5th grade. In October we will be starting up with a Middle Schooler and a sophmore! But for now, we are all enjoying our time off of school.
Since VBS we have had about 4-5 families consistantly come to church on Sundays. It has been such a breath of fresh air! On one Sunday Len gave the gospel message and many of them chose to follow Jesus! They seem like they are all in and enjoying being a part of the church. We also had need for more volunteers and so it was announced in church one Sunday and even some of the new families stepped up to be a part of that! Please keep them in your prayers that this new faith of theirs would grow and not wither away!
Week after week our sound and video system in the sanctuary has been struggling. After some donations and saving up, we were able to order some equipment and install it. We purchased a new projector with a mount and cables, and a new sound board (with a snake on the way). We also were having troubles with the computer, but we hope and pray that with the repair and work that was done it will give us no more problems now that we have the newer equipment. So far so good! Thank you, Lord!